Lori McInerny is the Chief Marketing Officer at Visibly (formerly Opternative), a Chicago-based...
If you’re considering a PR program for your business, you’re probably looking to boost your...
John Trader is the Director of Marketing at Health iPASS, a Chicago-based startup that enables...
Ryan Kern is the Director of Operations at ParkWhiz, a Chicago-based startup whose mission is to...
Melissa Mauter is the Vice President of Data at BallotReady.org, a Chicago-based content aggregator...
To celebrate the holidays this year, Propllr is donating to the following nine organizations – one...
It’s that time of year again! We’re here to save you from showing up to holiday parties with ho-hum...
Landing an interview with a reporter can be exciting or nerve-racking, depending on your view of...
Looking to get media coverage for your startup? The first step is to remember that the “media” is...
In our productivity-obsessed society, it’s easy to feel the need to do more – and do it faster. But...
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