As of August, Propllr has been serving Chicago's startup marketing scene for eight years. Eight...
At Propllr, gratitude is one of our core principles, so we figured now is the perfect time to take...
Leeatt Rothschild is the Founder and CEO of Packed with Purpose, a specialty gifting company with a...
Jessie Atchison is the VP of Marketing at Tillable, the first true online marketplace for the $32...
Ally Lynch is VP of Marketing at project44, a Chicago-based supply chain visibility platform. Read...
This is an update of a post originally published on February 11, 2014.
This is an update of a post originally published on March 8, 2016. Among the many reasons for a...
TechCrunch. The go-to site for funding news. The place to spot the future unicorn still getting...
So you want media coverage for your startup. Great!
Lynette Grinter is the Vice President of Marketing at Truss, the largest online marketplace for...
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